Google Tag Manager

Usage Instructions

  1. Sign up for Google Tag Manager if you haven't already, and create a new web container.

  2. Add the Google Tag Manager container snippet to your site.

  3. Import the target, then provide it when creating middleware or a meta reducer:

     import { GoogleTagManager } from 'redux-beacon/targets/google-tag-manager';
     const middleware = createMiddleware(eventsMap, GoogleTagManager());
     const metaReducer = createMetaReducer(eventsMap, GoogleTagManager());

Tip: During development and testing it is often helpful to use Google Tag Manager's Container Preview mode. Follow the instructions here to enable it.


  • This target will push all generated event objects to the window.dataLayer by default. As detailed on GTM docs, it is possible to rename the data layer instance. This is supported: You just need to pass to the target a dataLayerName in the options object.

    const options = {
      dataLayerName: 'yourFancyNamedDataLayer',
  • Only event objects with an event property will trigger a Custom Event in Google Tag Manager.

  • If an event object doesn't have an event property, but has a hitType property, this target will create an event property and set it to the hitType string. For example:

    // Given the following event definition
    const pageview = action => ({
      hitType: 'pageview',
      page: action.payload,
    // Say the action is equal to
    // { type: LOCATION_CHANGE, payload: '/home' }
    // The following object will get pushed to the dataLayer
    const dataLayerEvent = {
      hitType: 'pageview',
      event: 'pageview', // this is done automatically
      page: '/home',

    Tip: This gives you the option to use the event interfaces exposed by the Google Analytics target in your event definitions.